OCR sells record 397 new homes in July, 141 units sold above $2mil

The Outside Central Region achieves a new peak during 07/2021, with the Three hundred Ninety Seven unique exclusive property marketed exceeding the record 293 units repositioned in December2K20, declared Singapore Biz Review.

Of these, One hundred Forty One were yielded at lowest $Two mil.

The OCR steer Jun’s recent private residence deals. Particularly, Singapore spotted brand-new house deals growth Eighty Two point Two percentage month-on-month to One thousand Five hundred and Eighty Nine units in July2021.

Containing ECs, all new apartment sales climbed 81.3percent month-on-month to One thousand Seven hundred and Forty Four apartments.

One Bernam Condo Floor Plan

Propnex Chief Executive Officer Ismail Gafoor considered in which the thriving all new residence sale achievement in July was improved by “the exciting OCR sub-division market which saw over 1K apartments being transacted”.

” We feel that the driver to the liveliness was probably the more recent GLS bidding event whereby AMK Avenue One and Lentor Central got top tenders of $1thousand 1hundred 18 per square feet per plot ratio and $1,204 per sq ft per PR each coming from developers,” he revealed as quoted by S’pore Biz Review.

” The news of vigorous land costs induced several to realise that years to come launch deals are actually prone to inflate even more.”

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